
Monday, January 16, 2012

Economist telah Menjatuhkan Hukuman: Imej Anwar sudah Calar.

Majalah Economist telah menjatuhkan hukuman terhadap Anwar Ibrahim sebagai Ketua Pembangkang. Ini hukumannya:

The Opposition is all pumped up about the Big Acquittal, but abroad there are increasing doubts over Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's ability to lead Pakatan Rakyat to success in the upcoming general election. In fact, The Economist has questioned whether his acquittal would help him in GE-13 at all.
The respected London-based weekly newsmagazine said that Anwar still remains a "distant and untrustworthy figure". Despite his claims to speak for the youth that he represents change, he is 64 years old and was a leading player in Malaysia's old establishment for over 20 years.
The verdict of The Economist is clear: "Although Mr Anwar remains a charismatic figure and a forceful speaker, his reputation has been tarnished. That won't matter to his acolytes, but at 64 he also seems a distant and untrustworthy figure to many younger Malaysians."
In its January 14 article, 'The end of Sodomy 2.0', the magazine points out that, contrary to his repeated demands for transparency and democracy in government, Anwar has strangely failed to implement these in his own party. PKR is "a family-run affair, riven by infighting."
The Economist points out that Anwar has not allowed a second generation of leaders to develop within PR, thereby preventing the growth of younger opposition deputies who could challenge him in the future.
"He has failed to nurture a new generation of opposition leaders. Rather than turning his party into a vibrant, modernising force in politics he has allowed it to become something of a family-run affair, riven by infighting."
This concentration of power into the hands of one man, and indeed within his family, indicates an authoritative streak that could divide the opposition alliance in the lead up to the general election.
In fact, The Economist even suggested that Anwar's political allies would have privately preferred him being convicted for sodomy.
"In prison, some political operators say, he could have served as a useful martyr figure to rally the opposition. Now, they are stuck with him indefinitely as a leader."
This indicates a general weariness of Anwar's strident style of leadership where everything revolves around one man.
In an insightful analysis of Malaysia's post-verdict political situation, the magazine agrees that Anwar's victory could give a "much-needed boost" to PR in the short term, but warns that this benefit could dissipate soon.
As for Anwar's dream of taking power in GE-13, The Economist believes this is highly unlikely. He is simply not popular enough to win the election.
"Mr Anwar may still be popular enough to land a few blows on the government. But he may also be too weakened to deliver the knockout punch."
That will come as a dampener in Anwar's camp, which had claimed that his acquittal would somehow lead inevitably to winning the next election. It turns out that it won't be so simple after all, that Malaysians remain deeply unconvinced not about Anwar's charisma, but about his leadership capabilities.
It comes as a surprise that some foreign publications are actually asking the right questions, not just repeating verbatim what Anwar's media handlers tell them. Finally, The Economist is telling it like it really is.

Walaupun Anwar telah dibebaskan, namun majalah Economist yang beroperasi di London ini tidak meyakini keupayaan Anwar untuk memimpin Malaysia. Menurut Economist: "he remains a distant and untrustworthty figure".
Anwar yang melaung-laungkan reformasi sebenarnya gagal mereformasikan partinya sendiri. Partinya berantakan, lebih banyak berkisar kisah perebutan kuasa dan soal remeh temeh keluarga Anwar sendiri. Menurut Economist: " PKR is "a family-run affair, riven by infighting."
Anwar juga gagal memnyediakan pemimpin pembangkang masa depan yang berkualiti. Ini didorongi oleh sikap Anwar yang takut cabaran dalam partinya sendiri. Kita boleh lihat dalam kes Zaid Ibrahim v Azmin Ali, bagaimana Anwar secara nyata memihak kepada Azmin dan menyebabkan Zahid Ibrahim keluar parti.
Menurut majalah yang sama, sekutu-sekutu Anwar mungkin lebih senang jika beliau didapati bersalah dan dipenjara. Mudah bagi mereka meraih simpati kerana Anwar lebih berguna di dalam penjara dari bebas. Sekarang, mahu tak mahu DAP dan PAS terpaksa memikul Anwar sebagai biawak hidup.
Ini satu analisa yang menarik, bukan dari blogger pro BN atau pro PR. Ini pandangan majalah Economist, sebuah majalah tersohor dari luar negeri. Oleh kerana PR suka mengambil kenyataan luar negeri berkaitan memburuk-burukkan Malaysia, saya nasihati elok juga mereka menengok ke cermin, dan cerminkan diri sendiri.
Bagi media antarabangsa, mereka hanya jokers, not serious enough to deliver a final blow to BN.

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